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Developer Portal

The ContextHub Developer Portal allows you to manage and monitor the activity your ContextHub applications from the web. As a developer, you have the ability to inspect events, create and execute contextual rules and more all in a single place.


Events are data objects triggered by contextual objects and feeds which are passed to context rules to create smarter actions that occur within your application. Events include general data about the device that generated it as well as information specific to that event. Events form the backbone of everything that happens in ContextHub.


Context rules are small snippets of JavaScript evaluated when an event is triggered that let you change how your app responds through the same contextual elements like beacons and geofences you are already using through our device SDK. These context rules, driven by events generated by devices, let you perform complex actions including sending push notification, storing data in vault, sending http requests, and logging console data to your server logs.


Vault contains all the user data objects present in ContextHub. These objects are stored in a JSON format, which gives you the ability to store numbers, strings, arrays, and nested dictionaries. All vault items also contain tags, to facilitate data retrieval.


Analytics lets you peer into the data generated by your ContextHub application so you can gain new insights into what your application is doing. You can modify the timespan which the charts cover and use the tag search box to narrow down your results to specific devices.


The dashboard page gives you access to several pre-defined charts which describe how your application is growing and what kind of activity is generating. There are charts for new devices, device activity, device type, events and errors.


Custom analytics let you search for the frequency of the occurence of a particular string in your logs. If you comma-separate your search terms, you can build charts with multiple values tracked at the same time so you can compare them relative to each other.


Triggers are specially crafted, application-specific URLs generated by ContextHub that let you trigger your own custom events from any web browser, JavaScript script, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or other IoT device. Triggers are perfect for integrating new platforms not yet directly supported by our SDKs into your own applications.


Settings contains two subsections for setting up push notifications on iOS and Android as well as modifying which collaborators are allowed access to your ContextHub application in the developer portal.


The collaborators subsection allows you to manage additional people who need access to your ContextHub application in the developer portal. Here, you are able to invite additional collaborators based on their email address, remove collaborators, or change ownership of the application to a different user.


The logs subsection contains the log page which contains a list of the last 1000 log messages retained in your application. These log messages are generated from a variety of different places; the ContextHub mobile SDKs, contextual rules, and REST API endpoint. You have the option to filter by different types, whether they are resource updates, custom messages, errors, or webhook requests.

Note: High-frequency logging of messages in a short period of time do not have a guaranteed order of being saved.